One Student,
One Project
We get to know each students’ specific needs already during the first interview and we define the primary aims of their future education.
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Why Nemesis School?
We are making everything possible in order to assist our students in:
Educational and professional success.
Understanding of the social and economic structures of our world and lifelong cross-learning.
Development of critical spirit making them reflexive citizens.
Optimization of their analytical and synthesis skills.
Mastering of studying methods leading them to the peak of the intellectual performance.
Enrichment of their speaking and writing skills.
Development of their individual skills.
Cycle 9th – 11th Harmos Year
Prepare successfully your Diploma of the completion of compulsory school education

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This exam requires a personal involvement in each subject and the development of the crucial general knowledge.

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School Education
Tailored coaching for an optimal school performance or a 12th year of school everything is possible.

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One Student, One Project
With this device we lead every day our students towards success! The success does not only is made of knowing how to recreate, but of building the character in order to show their originality through:
Listening, harmony, flourishing of our students.
Tailoring to give real pleasure to students.
Efficient analysis for the optimization of performances.
Leading a transparent teaching project.
From our setting up in 2002, we have assisted couple of hundred of students, who have obtained their renowned diploma of the completion of compulsory education or their certificate of Swiss Maturity. Our method can be defined by an extremely high successful rate.
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Our Technological Innovation
Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Pedagogy
With these devices we lead every day our students towards success! The success does not only is made of knowing how to recreate, but of building the character in order to show their originality through:

Brain Force is an intelligent way of thinking. It is more than a simple manager of the flow of information – the analysis is focused on each students and it keeps following them during the process of education and their future career.
The teaching intelligence that watches over every student.
The strategic intelligence in the service of the managerial conduct.
The artificial intelligence with the coaching function.
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Our innovative system based on neurosciences shows to people how their brain processes the received knowledge. It provides individual solutions to each user and help them to increase their cognitive capacities.
Allows every student to get an individual cognitive profile and customized learning path
Shows how to transform learning difficulties of each pupil into potentials
Helps students to realize their academic goals faster and easier
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Our E-Learning base supports our students with courses created especially for them; it offers them a unique way to train and improve quickly.
Courses created by teachers for students
A way to revise and improve one's learning
Real-time monitoring of progresses
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