Design of ELiA

Design and development of the ELiA training ecosystem.
This software will allow any person wishing to progress in his knowledge to acquire new knowledge at a pace adapted to his cognitive profile.

International Project

Partnerships with schools in France, Poland and Asia. A chance for our students and teachers to participate in international projects and exchanges.

New Location

Nemesis moves to the new location – the city center of Monthey. Our school becomes an important place on educational map of the canton Valais.

Research and Development

Creation of an R&D unit dedicated to the deployment of our educational research in our school. Our teachers follow a unique and totally innovative protocol certified.

BrainCore Switzerland

Participation in an international research project in the field of neuroscience in collaboration with BrainCore Switzerland.

Brain Force One

Our Research center has created a unique software, Brain Force One, a teaching coaching tool with elaborated artificial intelligence.


Development of the E-learning basic platform Nemesis School.

Research Centre

Launching of the research center Nemesis and of the teaching project Hermès concerning the geopolitical understanding of the world’s economic changes and self-development.

Middle School

Foundation of the department Middle School, authorized by the City of Valais, secondary level I.

Swiss Maturity

Creation of the platform Swiss maturity, secondary II.

Nemesis Education Centre SARL

Establishment of the Nemesis Education Centre SARL Centre de education Nemesis Sarl in Monthey, specialized in the field of teaching support on all levels and in the educational coaching.

Contact us

School Nemesis Monthey


  • Avenue du Crochetan 3,
  • Monthey, Valais,
  • 1870, Suisse.