Nemesis School
Tuition Fees
Tuition Fees
Our rates include the following benefits:
Tuition and registration fees
BrainCore cognitive test and full debriefing, in order to present personalised progression advice to the student
Two hours of individual BrainCore coaching per school year
Access to the BrainElem mobile application for our students and their parents
Ability to pay tuition in 12 monthly installments and to benefit from Scholarship allocated by the State ( in adequacy with the required conditions)
Discount from two children onwards
Preferential rates for private courses granted to Nemesis students
9th to 11th Harmos
(Equivalent O Level / GCE)
from 13'680.- CHF
(payable in twelve monthly installments of CHF 1'140.-)included
(Equivalent to A level)17'700.- CHF
(payable in twelve monthly installments of CHF 1’475.-)included
Private Tuition Courses
Rate on request according to the student's needs
Test BrainCore Edu (Psychometric and Methodological Test)
CHF 150.- per test, including a complete report and debriefing with a certified coach (45 minutes)
Vocational guidance
CHF 150.- per test, including a complete report and a detailed debriefing